Mr. Atari MY-IDE Device


Hardware Reviews

PBI Devices






Internal Mr. Atari 130xe internal MY-IDE                            Internal 800xl My-IDE

In addition to two internal MY-IDE I also have an AtariMax IDE+Flash Cart (the only one that works). I have nothing good to say about this internal MY-IDE upgrade. I have had the two internal MY-IDE since 2005 and the Designer (Mr.Atari) and Supporter of the MY-IDE has taken too long to provide proper updates for the people who have invested their money in this project. Mr. Atari has also on more than one occasion proved he has no idea on how to code for the Atari 8-bit Platform. Mr. Atari has never used good PROGRAMMING practice. I have waited so long for him to make this pile of chips into something. His product does not work with most things due to two reasons.

1 He doesn't know how to program in that environments.

2 the design of the product does not work with all the different Atari Mother Boards.

I normally just ignore project like this. Mr. Atari and I share the same customer base so I have tried one two occasions to work with him. He is unwilling to work with other programmers and because of this I will not provide any support for this project. If your MY-IDE works for you I am HAPPY for YOU. For me it is just a pile of crap and not worth me wasting any of my time on. The only reason that any of the Atari user bear with this is the upgrade is dirt cheap. If this upgrade cost say what a mio does the MY-IDE would have died. Out of all the upgrades that came out after y2k all have been very good projects and their always is one that is lacking and that is the MY-IDE. AtariMax's Steve Tucker has been devoting a lot of time and engineering into this idea into the AtariMax Flash IDE II cart. My 1 meg AtariMax IDE Flash cart works well with SpartaDos X and FlashJazzCats drivers. I started to make some drivers for RealDos and decided against doing anything to support this project just because Mr. Atari is unwilling to work with Real Programmers who have sent him fix's to his problems and ways to incorporate MY-IDE into main stream work like using percom tables so that formatters can calculate disk size. I am really disappointed with Mr. Atari and I feel for those who have paid their hard earned money for this upgrade with the results I have had.

If you have a MY-IDE 1 Meg Flash Cart here are some things the guys that are working on SDX sent me.

SpartaDos X Ver. 4.45  1 Meg Tucker Flash Cart Images That Work



I flashed the SDX MY-IDE with AtariMax MaxFlash USB Programmer.

You should really check this Maxflash USB Cartridge Programmer Kit. This is one of the coolest tools Steve Tucker has developed for the Atari. This tool requires an IBM type computer and Microsoft Windows.










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