Review Page
This SIO2SD Came from Lotharek web site.
Here is the main PCB of Lotharek SIO2SD. This is a very nicely put together .
I added Header pins so I could connect external push button switches. I also added 6 pin right angle header for the LED support.
Here is the finished SIO2SD that is now installed into a project Box. Lotharek has SIO2SD that are already installed in a nice looking case. I would say that if you are going to purchase an SIO2SD to go ahead and get one that is already installed inside Lotharek SIO2SD case. One other really cool thing is that this version of the SIO2SD supports all 15 drives supported by SpartaDos X Cart!
SIO2SD Purchased from Atari Fan Store
Comes in two types.
SIO2SD media is a SD card that you can place your atrs on with your IBM.
Has a nice display five external buttons to change atrs with out running
software. The software that comes with the Device is easy to use. You can
run up to 8 drives. The only downfall is the board does not lend itself to
easy installation. But with a bit of work it can turn into a nice upgrade.
I built mine into an 800xl.
is a picture of the display mounted into the 800xl case.
SIO2SD plugs into the display. You also need to trim the case for the sd
you see the buttons and led�s.
Now it
is all closed up and the finial view of the completed project.
is a device that allows you to
load games/applications into any 8-bit Atari XL/XE computers via SIO
interface from SD/MMC cards.
Device abilities:
Some useful documents and informations
I Rate
the SIO2SD a 7! I
gave it 5 point for function ease of use 2 more points
it did turn into a nice mod. You can get one of these devices from
Atari Fan Store