Mega Speedy 1050 Drive Upgrade

This web page was last updated March 20, 2015 by SJC

Mega Speedy Usage and Programming Information

(c) 2014-2015 Matthias Reichl


1. Configuring the drive mode


1.1 Configuring mode using display and encoder

When powering up the 1050 or when pressing the reset button the

Mega Speedy enters configuration mode. On powerup or if the switch positions have been changed configuration starts with the user-configurable default mode. When pressing reset configuration starts with the previously selected mode. Pressing reset a second time loads the user-configurable default mode. The currently selected mode is shown on the display and the rotary encoder lights up to indicate that the mode can be changed by turning the knob. After approximately 3 seconds of idle time the selected mode is automatically activated.

If you press the rotary encoder down the selected mode is activated immediately and will become the new default mode. You can choose between 10 drive modes, each having 4 separate ROM slots, and the flasher mode where you can boot the flasher directly from the Mega Speedy (just boot the Atari with the drive door open). The flasher mode is indicated by showing "FL" on the display, for the other modes the first digit indicates the drive mode and the second digit the ROM slot (1-4):

"E" Mega Speedy

"S" Super Speedy

"y" Speedy

"o" original 1050

"t" 1050 Turbo

"H" Happy

"U" US Doubler

"A" Super Archiver

"d" 1050 Duplicator

"u" SuperMax


The Mega Speedy ships with the following ROMs installed (all other ROM slots are empty, you have to flash them yourself before you can use them):



Speedy ROM V1.6 + Flasher Mega Speedy

 slot 1: Speedy ROM V1.6 + flasher

 slot 2: Speedy ROM V1.6 + flasher

 slot 3: Speedy ROM V1.6 + flasher

 slot 4: Speedy ROM V1.6 + flasher

Super Speedy

 slot 1: Speedy ROM V1.5 + Super Copy

 slot 2: Speedy ROM V1.5 + Super Copy

 slot 3: Speedy ROM V1.5 + Super Copy

 slot 4: Speedy ROM V1.5 + Super Copy


 slot 1: Speedy ROM V1.4 + Bibo DOS

 slot 2: Speedy ROM V1.4 + HSS Copy

 slot 3: Speedy ROM V1.4 + Floppy 2000 Utilities

 slot 4: Speedy ROM V1.4 + Bibo DOS

Original 1050

 slot 1: 1050 ROM rev. L

 slot 2: 1050 ROM rev. K

 slot 3: 1050 ROM rev. J

 slot 4: 1050 ROM rev. L

1050 Turbo

 slot 1: 1050 Turbo ROM V3.5

 slot 2: 1050 Turbo ROM V3.4

 slot 3: 1050 Turbo ROM V3.5

 slot 4: 1050 Turbo ROM V3.5

1050 Duplicator

 slot 1: 1050 Duplicator ROM V3.00

 slot 2: 1050 Duplicator ROM V3.10 (track buffer off)

 slot 3: 1050 Duplicator ROM V3.00

 slot 4: 1050 Duplicator ROM V3.00


Note: The flasher mode is just another Mega Speedy ROM slot that you are usually not supposed to touch so that you'll always be able to use your drive, even if you screwed up with all the other drive slots. In the stock ROM the flasher is also bootable from the 4 Mega Speedy ROM slots. By using the optional switches you can select between 2-4 default configurations. As long as the encoder lights up you can toggle the switches to select one of the default configurations. Pressing the encoder down will update only the currently selected configuration; the other configurations are not changed.


1.2 Configuring mode using the bootable Mega Speedy menu

If you have the Mega Speedy configured to "Flasher" mode and boot with the drive door open the Mega Speedy menu is shown. From there you can configure the drive mode and also start the flasher or MyPicoDos. Select the desired mode and slot, then press RETURN to activate it. Approximately 5 seconds later the Atari will automatically reboot. If you activate a config with SHIFT+RETURN the current configuration is saved to the EEPROM and will show up as the default config the next time you start the config menu.


1.3 Configuring mode using the flasher

Just use the "Switch drive mode" option in the flasher and select the drive mode and ROM slot. Note: this option doesn't change the stored default configuration.

2. Using the flasher

The flasher allows you to program drive ROMs to the flash, backup flash contents to file, test drive ROMs by uploading them to the Mega Speedy RAM and to switch the drive mode. If you set the Mega Speedy to "Flasher" mode and boot with the drive door open you can start the flasher directly from the Mega Speedy menu. You can also load the flasher from the megaspeedy.atr, it is the FLASH.COM file. But note that the Mega Speedy has to be either in "Mega Speedy" or "Flasher" mode. If you load the flasher from disk you'll be prompted to enter the drive number on startup. You can also later switch to another drive number by using the "restart" option in the flasher. After selecting the drive the flasher checks if the drive is in Mega Speedy / Flasher mode and uploads code to the drive to enable the flasher functionality. If the drive isn't in Mega Speedy / Flasher mode you'll see an error message and can select another drive. The currently selected drive number and the active mode will be shown on screen. After using the "switch drive mode" or "run drive code from RAM" functions the drive will show up as "not initialized". If you switched to a Mega Speedy mode you can use the "restart" option to continue using the flasher. Otherwise use "quit" to exit.


Note: pressing BREAK aborts the currently selected option and brings you back to the main menu. Use this if you accidentally selected the wrong option.


2.1 Programming Drive ROMs

Choose the "Program drive ROM" option, enter the desired drive mode and ROM slot number, and then enter the filename of the ROM image. The ROM image is uploaded to the Mega Speedy and then flashed to the selected slot. The ROM image has to be a plain 4096, 8192, 16384 or 32768 bytes file, without a COM header! Uploading a file with a COM header will render the slot unusable unless you reflash it. If in doubt, first test by running the drive ROM from RAM.


Note: you can't update the currently active ROM slot. Switch to a different ROM slot before, for example by using the "Switch drive mode" option, followed by "Restart".


2.2 Running a drive ROM from Mega Speedy RAM

The option "Run drive code from RAM" allows you test drive ROMs by running them from the Mega Speedy RAM. The contents of the flash memory aren't altered by this option. Choose the mode and enter the filename. After uploading the file to the Mega Speedy RAM the Mega Speedy is automatically configured to use this ROM.


Note: if you want to continue using the flasher you have to use the "Restart" option so that the drive is reconfigured to support the flasher function (this only applies to uploading Mega Speedy mode ROMs to the RAM). Otherwise just exit the flasher or reboot your Atari.


2.3 Switching drive mode

With this option you can configure the Mega Speedy drive mode. Select the mode and slot number that should be activated.


Note: use "Restart" if you want to continue using the flasher.


2.4 Programming the special flasher and config ROM slots

The config and flasher ROM slots work like the Mega Speedy slots, but if you screw up here you'll brick your Mega Speedy. If this happens you have to use an EPROM/flash programmer to reprogram the flash with the megaspeedy-stock.rom file. The config slot is particularly critical, it is the one that is activated when powering up. If this ROM doesn't work your 1050/Mega Speedy won't function at all. The flasher slot is a little bit less critical. As long as you have a working Mega Speedy / flasher ROM in one of the 4 Mega Speedy ROM slots, you can still use one of these to reprogram the flasher slot. If none of these works, you won't be able to use the flasher anymore and have to dig out your EPROM/flash programmer.


So, be careful!


The stock flasher and config ROM images are included in the megaspeedy.atr and as separate files in the "roms" directory and are named FLASHER.ROM and CONFIG.ROM, respectively. As a security measure you have to enter the sentence "PROGRAM FLASHER ROM" or "PROGRAM CONFIG ROM" before flashing starts.


Note: programming the flasher ROM slot won't work if you set the Mega Speedy to "flasher mode" - the flasher forbids programming the active ROM slot.


In this case you have 2 options:

-        Switch to one of the Mega Speedy modes, then restart the flasher.

-        Run the flasher ROM code from Mega Speedy RAM, then restart the flasher.


In both cases the Mega Speedy isn't using the flasher slot anymore so you can reprogram it.


2.5 Backing up drive ROMs to file

Use the "Backup drive ROM" function to save the contents of a drive slot, the flasher or the content slot in the Mega Speedy flash ROM to a file. Choose the desired slot and enter the filename. Then contents of the slot will then be read from the flash and stored in that file.


2.6 Displaying Mega Speedy ROM information

The "Show ROM info" function displays a map of the current contents in the flash ROM, together with ROM version information (if available). Config ROMs are displayed as "Config" plus the build date. For example: "Config 20150106". Flasher ROMs are displayed as "Flasher" plus the build date and the version of the Speedy ROM. For example: "Flasher 20150106 1.6". Speedy ROMs in one of the Mega Speedy slots are displayed as "Speedy" plus the Speedy ROM version. For example: "Speedy 1.5". Unknown ROMs in the Mega Speedy slots are displayed as "Unknown", empty ones as "Empty". For the Super Speedy, Speedy, 1050 Duplicator and original 1050 slots the ROM versions are displayed. Unknown ROM versions are shown as "?", empty slots as "-". All other modes don't contain version information, so the map only shows if the slot contains data (shown as a big dot) or if is empty ("-").


2.7 Listing Directory of a drive

"List directory" allows you to display the DOS directory. You have to enter a file mask (eg "*.*" or "*.ROM") but may leave out the "Dx:" at the beginning - in this case "D:" will be used.


2.8 Exiting the flasher

Always use the "Quit" option of the flasher, as that will soft-reset the Mega Speedy and disable the uploaded flasher support code in the Mega Speedy.


3. Programming information

The Mega Speedy mode is based upon the Super Speedy mode and adds several enhancements. This section only lists the items that were added or enhanced. For general Speedy programming information like RAM and ROM memory locations please read the original Speedy docs. At the time of writing this README they were available here: Speedy Upgrades/Speedy1050 Anwenderhandbuch und ROM Listing.pdf SPEEDY-System


3.1 1050 / 6502 memory layout

$0000-$0FFF zero page, stack, FDC, RIOT

$1000-$1FFF unused

$2000-$3FFF same as $0000-$1FFF

$4000-$5FFF track display and density LEDs

$6000-$6FFF $A000 RAM bank select

$7000-$7FFF Mega Speedy config registers

$8000-$9FFF fixed 8k RAM bank

$A000-$BFFF switchable 8k RAM bank

$C000-$DFFF switchable 8k ROM bank

$E000-$FFFF fixed 8k ROM bank with Speedy drive ROM


3.2 512k RAM chip memory layout

$00000-$73FFF free

$74000-$75DFF reserved

$75E00-$75EFF 6810 replacement RAM

$75F00-$75FFF second 6810 replacement RAM for US Doubler

$76000-$77FFF fixed 8k RAM bank for Happy, Speedy etc

$78000-$7FFFF reserved for running drive code from RAM


The flasher uses $30000-$3FFFF as temporary storage when programming the flash ROM.


3.3 512k Flash ROM memory layout

$00000-$0FFFF Speedy ROM slots (4x16k)

$10000-$1FFFF Super Speedy ROM slots (4x16k)

$20000-$27FFF 1050 Turbo ROM slots (4x8k)

$28000-$2FFFF Happy ROM slots (4x8k)

$30000-$33FFF original 1050 ROM slots (4x4k)

$34000-$37FFF US Doubler ROM slots (4x4k)

$38000-$3BFFF SuperMax ROM slots (4x4k)

$3C000-$3FFFF Super Archiver ROM slots (4x4k)

$40000-$5FFFF Mega Speedy ROM slots (4x32k)

$60000-$67FFF 1050 Duplicator ROM slots (4x8k)

$68000-$6FFFF unused / reserved (32k)

$70000-$77FFF Flasher ROM slot (32k)

$78000-$7FFFF Config ROM slot (32k)


3.4 Configuration Registers

(r) Indicates a read-only register

(w) Indicates a write-only register

(r/w) indicates a read/write register


Unused bits should be set to 0 unless otherwise noted.


$4000 (w) Display Lo / second digit

$4001 (w) Display Hi / first digit

Bit 7: unused

Bit 6-0: Segments G-A (0=off, 1=on)


$4002 (w) Density LEDS

Bit 7-3: unused

Bit 2-0: Density LEDs (DD, ED , SD ; 0=off, 1=on)


$4003 (w) Buzzer

Bit 7-1 unused

Bit 0: Buzzer output, toggle to produce a tone


$6000 (w) RAMBANK - 8k RAM bank at $A000

Bit 7-6: unused

Bit 5-0: bank number (0-63)


Note: RAM banks 58-63 are reserved see RAM memory layout.

Super Speedy ignored bits 7-5 and supported 24 banks


$7000 (w) ROMBANK - 8k ROM bank at $C000

Bit 7: 0=512k mode, 1=32k mode

Bit 6: unused

Bit 5-0: bank number (0-63, 0-3 in 32k mode)


In 512k mode (bit 7=0) the bits 5-0 are used to select one of the 64 8k flash ROM banks. This allows access to the whole flash memory. In 32k mode bits 5-2 are ignored. The selected bank number is constructed using bits 6-3 from ROM_BASE and bits 1-0 from this register. Bit 7 of ROM_BASE is respected; if it is set to 1 a read-only RAM bank is selected. This allows switching between the 4 8k blocks of the Mega Speedy ROM without having to care about the absolute memory position and whether it's located in flash or RAM.


$7000 (r) ROMBANK - 8k ROM bank at $C000

Bit 7: 0=512k mode, 1=32k mode

Bit 6: unused

Bit 5-0: bank number (0-63, 0-3 in 32k mode)


In 512k mode bits 5-0 are read back as written before.


In 32k mode bits 5-2 come from CFG_ROM_BASE bits 6-3, bits 1-0 read back as written before.


Default value on powerup is bit 7=1, bit 1-0=2 (the 3rd of the 4 8k blocks in the Mega Speedy ROM).


$7010 (rw) ROM_BASE - drive ROM base address in 4k granularity

Bit 7: 0=ROM mode, 1=RAM mode

Bit 6-0: 4k bank (0-127)


Depending on the MODE bits 0-2 are ignored. Base address of the drive ROM must always be a multiple of the drive ROM size. In RAM mode the data is read from RAM instead of flash ROM. Writing to the RAM is not possible via the ROM area.


$7011 (rw) MODE - select drive mode

Bit 7-4: unused

Bit 3-0: drive mode (0-15)


Drive modes:

 0: Config (same as Mega Speedy)

 1: Speedy

 2: Super Speedy

 3: Mega Speedy

 4: original 1050

 5: 1050 Turbo

 6: Happy

 7: US Doubler

 8: Super Archiver

 9: SuperMax

10: 1050 Duplicator

11-15: reserved, do not use


$7018 (r) Encoder and switch inputs

Bit 7-5: unused

Bit 4: switch 2

Bit 3: switch 1

Bit 2: encoder button/pushed

Bit 1: encoder input B

Bit 0: encoder input A


All inputs are active-low (0=closed, 1=open).


$7019 (w) Encoder LED

Bit 7-1: unused

Bit 0: Encoder LED (0=off, 1=on)


$7020 (w) I2C data lo, clock lo

$7021 (w) I2C data lo, clock hi

$7022 (w) I2C data hi, clock lo

$7023 (w) I2C data hi, clock hi

Bit 7-0: unused


Writing to these registers sets the I2C SDA and SCL lines.


$7020 (r) I2C data input

Bit 7: I2C SDA input

Bit 6-0: unused


Reads back the status of the I2C SDA line


$7030 (w) Centronics data lo, clock lo

$7031 (w) Centronics data lo, clock hi

$7032 (w) Centronics data hi, clock lo

$7033 (w) Centronics data hi, clock hi

Bit 7-0: unused


Serial interface to the 74LS164 shift register in the optional Centronics interface. 8 bits of data have to be shifted out, starting with the MSB (bit 7). The 74LS164 clocks on the rising edge of the CLK line (low-to-high transition).


$7034 (w) Centronics /STROBE lo

$7035 (w) Centronics /STROBE hi

Bit 7-0: unused


Control the /STROBE pin on the centronics interface. Set it to low after shifting out a byte to the serial shift register.


$7038 (r) Centronics busy

Bit 7: busy signal

Bit 6-0: unused


Read the status of the busy signal.

Bit 7 is set to 1 if either the printer is busy, no printer is connected or the optional centronics interface is not connected at all.


$7040 (rw) Disk RPM control

Bit 7-1: unused

Bit 0: slow/fast RPM (0 = 269 RPM, 1 = 288 RPM)


Default value is 1 (288 RPM)


$7041 (rw) FDC write gate

Bit 7-1: unused

Bit 0: write gate (0 = force low write signal, 1 = normal mode)


The FDC write gate controls the data written to disk. In normal mode the unaltered data from the FDC write output pin is used. Setting bit 0 of this register to 0 during a sector write forces the data to logic low. This can be used to create fuzzy sectors.


$7048 (r) Raw test inputs

Bit 7-4: unused

Bit 3: FDC write input from 2793 pin 31

Bit 2: Ready input from U1/CA3086

Bit 1: Super Archiver A11 input from 6532 pin 10

Bit 0: 1050 Turbo speed input from 2793 pin 16


This register is used during production testing to monitor the raw input signals to the CPLD.


3.5 Changes from Speedy ROM V1.5 to V1.6

The reset code of the Speedy firmware was enhanced so that all extended functions (RPM control, FDC write gating, state of centronics output signals) are properly initialized. The last instruction of the RESET2 code (the JSR $9F84 at $E0D5, which calls the optional user definable reset hook) was replaced with "JSR $FEA0", the extended reset code. The extended reset code at $FEA0 initializes the extended functions registers and then jumps to the user reset hook at $9F80:


LDA #$01

STA $7040   ; set disk speed to 288 RPM

STA $7041   ; normal FDC writes

STA $7033   ; set centronics data and clock to high

STA $7035   ; set centronics strobe to high

JMP $9F80



4. Programming hints and examples


4.1 Bank witching within the 32k Mega Speedy ROM

The original Speedy and Super Speedy ROMs are 16k and are mapped to $C000-$FFFF. The 32k Mega Speedy ROMs consists of 4 8k blocks. By default the 3rd block is mapped to $C000-$DFFF, this block can be bank switched. The 4th block is always mapped to $E000-$FFFF.

You can use an original Speedy ROM in one of the Mega Speedy slots by prepending some arbitrary 16k of data at the beginning – they won't be used unless you manually bank switch them in. An easy way to achieve this is to just store the original ROM twice in a file. Copy the original ROM to a new file, then append the original ROM to the newly created file and you are done. To switch the 8k ROM bank at $C000 just write $80-$82 to ROMBANK ($7000) to select one of the 3 banks. When you are finished always set ROMBANK back to the default $82.


4.2 Booting code from the Speedy

When you boot with the drive door open the Speedy sends the contents from $C000-$C07F when sector 1 is requested. Serving other sectors from the ROM is not supported. So your initial boot code has to fit within one sector. This code then must load additional data from the Speedy ROM via special Speedy commands.

If one sector is not large enough for your boot code, do 3-stage loading. The code in sector 1 loads the second-stage loader (which can be as large as you want) and then runs it. Use the second-stage loader to load additional data blocks and finally run the loaded code. An easy way to load a (large) data block from ROM with a single SIO call is by having code present in the Speedy ROM (eg at $C100) and executing it via the $4D ("jump with complete") command. Setup SIO with command=$4D and DAUX=address of the code in the Speedy (eg $C100). Set DBUF and DBYT according to the destination address and the length of the data block. Then do a normal SIO read call. The code in the Speedy (at $C100 in this example) then transmits a data block from the ROM (of course the length of the block should match the length you used in the SIO call). That's all! By having multiple code-blocks in the Speedy ROM and issuing various SIO calls you can easily load multiple blocks of arbitrary size to different memory locations.

If you bank-switch the Speedy ROM block at $C000 be sure to set it back to the default ROM block, otherwise a subsequent boot attempt might read the wrong data for the boot sector. You can find an example how this is implemented in the "speedy-flash.src" file, that's the code to create the bootable config menu.


4.3 Updating the ROM checksums

Starting with V1.5 the Speedy ROM checksum code (entry point ROMTST, $FFB7) checks the full 16k ROM area $C000-$FFFF. Up to V1.4 this entry point only checked the ROM from $E000-$FFFF.

This means that if you change the ROM code at $C000-$DFFF, for example if you add or change the bootable code, you should also update the ROM checksums. If you don't do that, the Speedy will still function as normal, but the ROM test on the Speedy system software disk will report an error. To check and optionally update the ROM checksums use the "romcsum" tool on your PC which you can find in the src directory. It is available both as C source code (romcsum.c) and as a Win32 console application (romcsum.exe). romcsum supports both 16k (Super) Speedy ROM dumps and 32k Mega Speedy ROM dumps with ROM versions 1.5 and higher. ROM version 1.4 and below are not supported. If started with one argument, the filename of a ROM dump, it reads the specified file and verifies the checksums of the individual pages. Pages with wrong checksums are reported. If all checksums are correct it prints "Checksum OK". If started with two arguments, an input and output filename, it reads the ROM data from the input file and writes a dump with updated checksums to the output file. The original file will not be changed.



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