Last Update 8/21/2014
This is the Start of my next Atari Tower Project. Living in the USA the Atari Computers that we would normally get are NTSC Video. Since I am writing programs that I want to be used by anyone with any Atari I needed a way to test my software. This also allows me to use programs written for the PAL video in the Atari. I was really happy to find this machine on the internet. The upgrade work done on this machine was preformed by Lotharek. You can purchase any of these Atari Upgrades you see here and many more upgrades from this web site lotharek's Lair. I have purchased many things from Lotharek Lair and his works is better than the Atari Machine you are putting it in. He also stand by his work like you would wish all people did. I have purchased many upgrades that lotharek has produced. His Documentation is very good and many software programs have been written for the upgrades.
My Plans are to build two Atari Towers Just A LIKE and I will be showing you step by set how I create my Atari Towers. Here is a link to an Atari Tower I have already Built.
VBXE 2.1,