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The Big problem I found when I received both of my RapiDus Hardware upgrades is right where the RapiDus is to be installed is where my Ultimate 1 Meg are installed on most of my Computers. I mounted the Ultimate 1 Meg on 1/2 inch Standoffs and I drilled 2 1/8 inch holes into into the ground Plane. When drilling these holes take extra care not to drill into any traces which would be cut and cause you other problems. I drilled a 1/8 inch hole and mounted my AtariMax USB SIO2PC, Take the same care as with the Ultimate 1 Meg Mounting. This only applies if you have an AtariMax USB SIO2PC. Steve Tucker Build a Special USB SIO2PC for me and mounting internal to my Machines. It have a single hole to mount the sio2pc to the Mother Board. If you have an SIO2PC from Lotharek that Plugs direct into the Atari SIO then ignore SIO2PC mounting. The picture I have here does not have any of its internal wiring shown here. I did this so you could see how to mount this hardware without a bunch of internal wiring getting into the picture. You will have to do all the internal wiring before this will work. I have a lot of work before I have a complete picture of what the RapiDus can do and more important what it can do for me.
What I wanted to install in my generic Atari 130xe has this hardware
Stereo Pokey
Ultimate 1 Meg
VBXE 2.1
Atari Max USB SIO2PC
Turbo-Freezer 2011
RapiDus XE
PBI Hardware I will also USE but need to test as well
IDE Plus 2.0 Rev D or S
Maxi Disk Drive PBI Floppy Controller
KJ 1 Meg MIO
CSS Black Box With Floppy Board
KPI Hard disk Interface
Cart Hardware I need to test to see what will and will not work
Side 2 Cart
Side 1 Cart
Express Cart
Diamond GOS Cart
R-Time 8 Cart
AtariMax USB Cart
SIC Cart
AtariMax MyIDE + Flash
Veronica 816 Cart
Ultimate Cart
Hardware to test Atari SIO Port
Super Archiver with Bit Writer 1050 Disk Drive
Happy 1050 Disk Drive
Mega Speedy 1050 Disk Drive
ICD US Doubler 1050 Disk Drive
Duplicator 1050 Disk Drive
Hardware I want to test with the RapiDus
Multiplexer Cart (Master)
I have more testing to setup and do with the RapiDus. Will keep you informed as I work with the RapiDus.
Good Night All.