SIO2IDE Review


The SIO2IDE is a sio device that can mount up to 8 drives with atr file. SIO2IDE has very good built in configuration software. Can Mount IDE Drives, IDE to Compact Flash, and ISO9660 CD-ROMs. SIO2IDE can be configured in a master Slave configuration. Two SIO2IDE can run on one Atari 8-Bit. It has two really neat features; a swap out drive can be configured. If SIO2IDE is equipped with an optional chip a jumper or switch can swapped the sio2ide to an usb drive that can be attached to your pc. The PC board is of good quality. The only negative thing I can say about this device is it did not have an option for a case. How eve its layout will fit easily inside a 130xe, 800xl, 1200xl. The designer of this device provide technical support.

I Rate this device a 9!  Losing one point for not having a case.

You can get this device from the Atari Fan Store







Fdisk Software


Fdisk Software


The SIO2IDE is a simple interface that allows you to attach any IDE Disk Drive or CF Card 1) to your 8-bit Atari computer. Latest interface version has the following main features:

  1. ATARI side: SIO2IDE
  2. IDE device side:
  3. USB port side:

What is included in SIO2IDE kit:

The SIO2IDE interface is original invention of Polish electronics engineer and programmer Marek Mikolajewski.

My personal advice about SIO2IDE:

Some useful documents and informations


Here is how I installed my SIO2IDE into a project Box!

Here are a few Pictures of the Project!









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